Seeded sheet crackers

. 70 g linseeds
. 60 g sesame seeds
. 60 g sunflower seeds
. 50 g chia seeds
. 50 g pumpkin seeds
. 300 g water
. 20 g extra virgin olive oil
. ½ tsp salt (optional)
. 1 tsp paprika (optional)
. 1 tsp garam masala (optional)

Preheat oven to 160°C.
Line 2 baking trays (30 x 40 cm) with baking paper and set aside.
Place all seeds into mixing bowl and mill 4 sec / speed 6.
Add water, oil, salt, paprika and garam masala (if using) then blend 15 sec / speed 4.
Scrape down sides of mixing bowl with spatula and let mixture absorb liquid for 5 minutes.
Divide mixture evenly between baking trays and using a scraper or spatula, spread out as thinly as possible.
Bake for 1 hour or until golden and crispy.
Set aside to cool and break into pieces to serve.

Recipe from Australian Cookidoo.

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